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Mothers of Misfits
19: Childcare in a Post COVID19 World | Priya Amin and Marni Pastor

19: Childcare in a Post COVID19 World | Priya Amin and Marni Pastor

childcare covid-19 Jul 07, 2020

Traditional childcare went out the window when #Covid19 hit. Priya Amin and Marni Pastor talk with Emily about the innovative ways their company, Flexable, is supporting working parents in this unprecedented time.


  • “What we need to do more than anything right now is to provide grace for ourselves and for each other.” – Priya Amin
  • “There are now 25 million parents who are newly working remotely.” – Marni Pastor
  • “We’re saying, what can we do this week in order to continue supporting working parents in order to continue moving the needle forward and achieving our goals and bringing our mission to life. If we go beyond that one week, there’s not a lot of answers right now.” – Priya Amin



  • Flexable – Innovative childcare solutions to help work and life fit together


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